Monday, December 30, 2019

Expired Domain Kya Hai? Kaise Kharide? Kyo Kharide?

Expired Domain Kya Hai? Kaise Kharide? Kyo Kharide?

Hello friends, what is your expired domain today? Why buy expired domain? How to buy expired domain? I will try to give you all this information in this post. You stay with us till the last
expired domain buy
Nowadays everyone wants that they can grow their online business easily in a short time. But you must know that presence is very important to grow business on the internet. Because we have many compitators. It is very important to have great planning to move ahead of them.
If you want to grow your online business with planning, you can get ahead of your compitators. Great marketing plan is most important for this.
Right now I see a lot of people buy backlink by giving thousands of rupees to other people in an affair to grow the site. In some cases this idea works but it does not always work.
You can grow your site for some time by buying backlink, but when google comes to know about it then you can get penalty. Therefore it would be better to stay away from all these things.
If you want to make your new website popular in a short time, then for this you can use expired domain. This is a very good idea and if you buy the right expired domain then you can grow your business in a very short time.
Today, a lot of people are also doing the business of selling expired domains. If you want, you can make money from it. You will also find many groups related to it in facebook.
Today I am going to tell you about expired domain B. Before that, I would like to tell you many more related things related to it, so that there is no doubt in your mind. So let's know that….
Table of Contents
You can use it in many ways. I am telling you one by one below, for what purposes it can be used?

1. 301 Redirect

301 redirection is a very easy way to transfer all link juice to a new website or blog. Because expired domain anyone buying seo after looking at audit, their seo is better than before.
If you want to grow your online business quickly then this is a great way. You can easily make any new website or blog visible in the search engine.

2. Build an Authority site on that Domain

As I have already talked that if you buy domain after taking domain age, da, pa into consideration, then you can easily grow any new website or blog. Most of the big companies make their website grow in a very short time by this.
If you buy a good authority domain, then you can get very good results by writing 50 or 100 articles in it. If you create a website or blog with a new domain, it will take you a lot of time to grow it.

3. Private Blog Network

This is a slightly different method. If you have a lot of sites and you want to rank them, then you can use expired domino in PBN.
Mostly it is used by many SEO experts. They add the link of the site they want to rank in their private blog network. This gives dofollow backlink.
For this, you have to buy a domain with high pagerank and domain authority. Only then people will want to buy backlink from you. However, getting such a domain is a bit difficult but sometimes it is also found. If you keep checking regularly, then such domains will also be found.
Many people also get caught buying expired domains. If you make a little mistake in it, then later on you may regret it. So let us know what things should be kept in mind while buying expired domain?

1. Domain Name

I have been noticing for many days that the name of most expired domains does not keep anything right. Therefore, it is very important to find easy name. In this, you have to select the name according to the niche of your site. I am telling you some basic points below. Which you have to keep in mind.
  1. The domain must use a meaningfull word.
  2. The number should not be used much.
  3. Should not be too long. The shorter the name, the better.
  4. Domain TLD should be good. Like .com, .net, .or, .in

2. Domain DA and PA

These two are the most important thing, in this you have to focus the most. The biggest advantage of buying expired domain is that you can get a domain with good da and pa. This is most important for SEO.
If domain PA and DA is more than 30, that's a good thing. By using such a domain, you can bring any site to the top in the search engine very quickly. If you want to buy quality domain, then focus most on both these points.
You can use moz's Open Site Explorer to check DA and PA of any domain.

3. Check for Google Banned

If you have found a domain with very good domain authority and pagerank but you buy them without checking google ban, then later on you may have a lot of problem. Because google has already made that domain, you will not benefit by purchasing it.
Some people make a backlink from a spam site in order to have more authority. If a site has more spam backlink than natural backlink then google ban them. So first you check google ban. For this you can check at

4. Check for Adsense Ban

Right now you will get hundreds of domains which adsense has banned. In such a situation, if you want to earn money from your website, then make sure to check it. Otherwise then later you will not be able to show adsense ads in your blog.
There are many online tools to check this. You can easily check to become adsense through them. By searching in Google, you can find out adsense ban checker.

5. Check Archive of Website

If you are buying an old domain, then it is also very important to check what kind of website was being run in that domain earlier. It is very easy to know this. You can easily check the archive of any domain with the help of online tool. For this you can go to and check.

6. Check for Spam Score

This check Karna is very important. Because if you check now, google will not ban, but due to the high spam score, google can ban it later. To deal with this, you may face many problems later on.
You can also use the moz site explorer tool to check this. Do not buy if the spam score is more than 20%. If you buy, you can reduce it later with google disavow tool.
Now I am telling you about some of the top websites below. From where you can get a good domain for yourself.

1. Godaddy Auctions

Expired Domain Kya Hai? Kaise Kharide? Kyo Kharide? 1
You all will know that godaddy has become a very large domain and hosting provider company. This is also a service of the same. In this, you can easily buy a perfect expired domain for your website. In this, you will also get different options.
In this, you can also find domains with low to high prices. In this, you can also find a perfect domain by related keywords from your niche.


Expired Domain Kya Hai? Kaise Kharide? Kyo Kharide? 2 provides a list of expired domains. Thousands of domains expire every day and daily new expired domains are added to it.
It has many amazing features. Like in this you can find the domain according to TLD. In this, you will also get information about domain pagerank, page authority, backlink count, domain age. That is, you will not have to worry much.

3. Flippa

Expired Domain Kya Hai? Kaise Kharide? Kyo Kharide? 3
This is a very big website, from where you can purchase a good expired domain for yourself. You can also sell your domain in it and sell it here at a very good price. In this, you can also find the domain according to your site by searching. Along with this, there is also the option of filter. From where you can filter the price.

4. NameJet

Expired Domain Kya Hai? Kaise Kharide? Kyo Kharide? 4
It is also a very good market place. If you want to get a good domain, then this is a very good tool for you. Many options will also be available in it. A good domain will be found in the hotpicks column in its homepage. Domains will be found here very well, but the price may be slightly higher.

5. DomCop

Expired Domain Kya Hai? Kaise Kharide? Kyo Kharide? 5
DomCop is one of the most popular website, from where you can buy a good expired domain. It has a very large datebase, in which more than 200 lakh expired domains are available. Its search function has Moz rank, Majestic metrics, Alexa rank, Estibot, and many more options. In this, you have to buy a paid plan to find more domains.
So friends, in this way you can buy a perfect expired domain for your website or blog. If you want to bring your website to the top of the search engine in a very short time, then this can be a very useful article for you.
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